Thursday, July 07, 2005
John 3 - July 3, 2005 Born Again
Monday, July 04, 2005
Facts Behind The Gospel of John
- He was the youngest disciple
- He was very ambitious in the beginning of his call - he and his brother, James, were nicknamed the Sons of Thunder by Jesus - It was James and John that argued over who would sit on the right hand of Jesus - It was John who was eager to call down fire from Heaven against the Samaritans
- It is believed that John is the only disciple at the foot of the cross when Jesus was crucified
- By the time John writes his gospel, he is a humble man, he doesn't even mention his own name in this writing, other than to refer to himself as the one who Christ loved...and he is remembered today as the beloved disciple...time with Jesus had transformed him.
- The Gospel of John is written perhaps 30 years after Matthew, Mark, and Luke are written. By then, all of the disciples have been martyred. Imagine what the eyes of John had seen in this thirty years. I am sure Jesus was not the only death he was present for but the three years spent with Jesus and the indwelling Holy Spirit gave him all the courage in the world to go forth and be who Jesus called him to be and do what he was called to do.
Philip was first tied to a pillar and then stoned to death.
Matthew was nailed to the ground with spikes and then beheaded.
Jude, Jesus half brother, was beaten to death with sticks and clubs.
Simon was tortured and crucified.
James, brother of John, was beheaded and was the 1st disciple to be martyred.
James, half brother of Jesus, was pushed from the top of building and then his broken
body beaten to death.
Peter was crucified upside down
Andrew, Peters brother, hung on a cross for three days before dying.
Bartholomew (referred to as Nathaniel in John 1) was beaten, crucified, and skinned alive before being beheaded.
Thomas was thrown into a fiery furnace and then speared with a javelin.
John had seen much and endured much and when he writes the gospel of John, he wants to make certain that everyone understands: But these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name. John 20:31
Signs John Shares;
1. Turning water into wine
2. Healing the officials son
3. Healing the invalid at Bethesda
4. Feeding the 5000 with just a few loaves and fish
5. Walking on the water
6. Restoring sight to the blind man
7. Raising Lazarus from the dead
8. Giving the disciples an overwhelming catch of fish
I have been blessed by thinking about the fact that John lived to be an old man because he yet had a call on his life to do many things...among them to take care of Mary, the mother of Jesus and then to write the book of Revelation. No one could stop him until God's plan and purpose for his life was fulfilled. Ladies, that gives me courage.....may it give us all courage to press forward knowing His plan is for good...Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you, they are for good and not for evil to give you a hope and a future.
Sunday, July 03, 2005
The Song "Held" & "The Teacup"
A week ago in Flock Judy Bell shared this beautiful song by Natalie Grant...thought it would be nice for you to be able to come here and listen to am going to do a test and see if this works...if it does, enjoy! It played on my Windows Media Player. Hope you are able to listen to it.
Now I am going to attempt to do one more thing...a few Sunday's ago, I shared " The Story of the Teacup" case someone wants to enjoy this story again, here is the link to it... You gals know that this is all new to I just learning the possiblities of things that can be put here...let me know what works for you and what you would like... Love, Pam